Voucher Type Security

Voucher Type Security will help the business owner specify both individual Voucher Type (Contra, Payment, etc.) restriction and activity level (Sales Department, Procurement Department etc) restriction for different users.

The types of functions or activities for which the control can be set include being able to Create, Alter, Print, or have Full Access to any particular type of Voucher in Tally.ERP 9.

Benefits of Voucher Type Security

With Tally.ERP 9's Voucher Type Security feature, the administrator can

      Create a department and role based segregation of access for different users.

For example: Access based on Sales, Purchase, Accounts and Payroll etc. for employees in those areas of work.

      Provide or deny access to what level of activity can be performed on a Voucher by different users

For example: User A & User B can Create and Alter a Payment Voucher, but User C can only view the same.

      Provide access to an entire group of Vouchers like Accounting Vouchers, or Inventory Vouchers as a whole.

Setting up Voucher Type Security for users

Example: ABC Company has a user Arun, who records Sales and Receipt transactions. Access to Create and Alter Sales and Receipt Vouchers has to be provided to him.

1.     In Security Levels screen, Voucher Types and Group of Vouchers (Accounting Vouchers, Inventory Vouchers, Order Vouchers and Payroll Vouchers) have been included in List of Reports to set the Voucher Type Security.

Note: The aliases provided for Voucher Types will not be displayed in the List of Reports while defining Voucher Type Security.

2.     To provide access to Create/Alter Sales and Receipt Voucher Types, configure the Security Level as shown:

3.     Enter Arun's login in details to open the Company as shown below:

4.     In Gateway of Tally, only Accounting Vouchers option is displayed as shown below:

5.     On navigating from this option, only Receipt and Sales Vouchers are enabled for recording transactions.

6.     If the user Arun navigates to Day Book, Tally.ERP 9 will display all the Vouchers recorded during the period specified, but will not allow the user to Alter/Print the Vouchers which are restricted. If the user selects any Voucher other than Receipt or Sales Vouchers, Tally.ERP 9 will display the error No Access Allowed!.

Security for pre-defined groups of Vouchers

Tally.ERP 9 provides four pre-defined groups of Vouchers in order to facilitate users to quickly configure Voucher level security.

The Voucher Types in Tally.ERP 9 are grouped under the following categories:

1.     Accounting Vouchers

2.     Inventory Vouchers

3.     Order Vouchers

4.     Payroll Vouchers

Points to remember:

      If users are Allowed/Disallowed access to any of the groups listed above, the Voucher Types listed under the respective group will also carry the same access configuration.

      Disallowing access to Voucher Types will not affect the user's access to Create Voucher Types. To restrict a user from Creating Voucher Types, access to Masters has to be Disallowed.

Therefore, according to the example above, as Arun has been Disallowed access to Payment Voucher, he cannot record transactions using Payment Vouchers, but he can still Create a Voucher under Payment Voucher Type. To restrict Arun's access for Creating Vouchers under Payment Voucher Type, access to Accounting Masters has to be Disallowed.

Voucher Type Security Add-ons and Voucher Type Security feature in Tally.ERP 9

If an Add-on for providing Voucher Type Security is already in use,

      Access configurations defined using Tally.ERP 9 and the Add-on will be combined.

For example: If, for User A, Full Access to Payment Voucher is Disallowed in Tally.ERP 9, and in the Add-on Full Access to Receipt Voucher is Disallowed, User A will not be able to access both Payment and Receipt Vouchers.

      Tally.ERP 9's Voucher Type Security configuration will override the Add-on's configuration.

For example: If for User A, Full Access to the group Accounting Vouchers is Disallowed in Tally.ERP 9, and in the Add-on Full Access to Payment Voucher is Allowed, User A will not be able to access Payment Voucher.