Pending Sales Order (International)

The Pending Sales Orders report will display the details of all the Sales Orders made to a party, which are not in closed state.

To view the Pending Sales Orders report

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Analysis & Verification > Data Analysis > Pending Documents > Sales Orders.

o      Select the required party by moving the cursor and press Enter.

The Pending Sales Orders screen displays list date-wise incomplete Sales Orders for the selected Party.

      Ledger: Displays the Name of the Party for which the pending Sales Orders are displayed in this report.

      Date: Displays the date of the creation of Sales Orders.

      Order Number: Displays the Order Number for each Sales Orders.

      Ordered Quantity: Displays the ordered Quantity of each Stock Item as mentioned in each Sales Order.

      Balance Quantity: Displays the balance Quantity for each Stock Item.

      Rate: Displays the rate for each Stock Item.

      Due On: Displays the due date as mentioned in the Sales Order for the delivery of the Stock items. The Due Date can be different for each Stock Item.

      Value: Displays the cumulative value (total Amount) of the Pending Stock Items for each Sales Order.

      Verification Status: Displays the Verification Status selected by the user.

      Verification Note: Displays the Verification Note entered by the user.

Note: The Ordered Quantity, Balance Quantity, Rate and Due on details will be available for display only in the detailed mode.

Button options in the Pending Sales Orders report

F1: Detailed

Click F1: Detailed button or press Alt+F1 to view the detailed Pending Sales Orders report including the Stock Item details.

F2: Period

Click F2: Period or press F2 to change the period to view the pending Sales Orders during the selected period.

F5: Ledger

Click F5: Ledger or press on F5 to change the selected party to view the Pending Sales Orders for the selected Party.

F8: Show Ledger

Click F8: Show Ledger or press F8 to display the Ledger Vouchers report for the selected Ledger.

F9: Verify

Click F9: Verify or press Alt+F9 to verify the selected Vouchers. For more details on Verification refer Verification Status.

Note: The F9: Verify button will be highlighted when one or more Vouchers is/are selected for Auditing using the spacebar key.

Ctrl+F10: Remove Verify

Click Ctrl+F10: Remove Verify or press Ctrl+F10 to change the Verify Status for the selected Vouchers as Not Verified (blank).

W: Working Note

Click W: Working Note or press Alt+W to specify the working note details at Company or Group or Ledger or Voucher level. The details provided in working note will be captured in Working Paper along with the details of User Name, Working Note Date and Time, Status, Note and so on.

Ctrl+W: Wkg Paper

To view the Working Paper during analysis, click Ctrl+W: Wkg Paper or press Ctrl+W. The details displayed in Working Paper will be relevant to report from where it is triggered.

F9: Inv Reports

Click F9: Inv Reports or press F9 to navigate to the default Inventory Reports.

F10: Acc Reports

Click F10: Acc Reports or press F10 to navigate to the default Accounting Reports.

F10: Analysis Reports

Click F10: Analysis Reports or press Alt+F10 to navigate to the other Analysis Reports.

F12: Configure

Click F12: Configure or press F12 to change the default display for the above report.

      Show Cleared Sales Orders: Set this option to Yes to view the Cleared Sales Orders for the selected Party.

      Show Goods delivered but Orders not Recd: Set this option to Yes to view the display the Orders for which the Goods are delivered without Purchase Orders.

      Show Forex Transactions: Set this option to Yes to display only the orders involving the multi-currency.

      Show using Alternate Units: Set this option to Yes to display the order details in Alternate Unit of Measurement defined for the Stock Item.

      Show Tail Units of Compound Units: Set this option to Yes to display the order details in Tale unit of compound units defined for the Stock Item.

      Appearance of Stock Items: Select the appropriate Display Name Style from the list for stock Items.