Material Consumption Summary

Material Consumption Summary is a godown-wise report to view the consumption of stock items for a particular project or job.  

To view the Material Consumption Summary report

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Inventory > Job Work Analysis.

2.     Press Enter in the field Consumption to drill down.

The Material Consumption Summary report is displayed as shown below:

Configuring Material Consumption Summary

To configure the report

1.     Click F12: Configure.

2.     Enable the following options:

      Show goods inwards

      Show goods inwards in details

      Show consumption

      Show goods consumption in details

The detailed Material Consumption Summary will appear as shown below:

Press Enter on a row to drill down to the Material Consumption Stock Summary report.

The Material Consumption Stock Summary report appears as shown below:




The stock items consumed for the project selected in the Job  Work Analysis report are displayed here.



The value of the stock item purchased for the project is displayed here.

Manufacturing Journal

The value of the stock item produced by recording a Manufacturing Journal in which the godown has the selected project tagged.

Inter Project Transfer

The value of the stock items recorded in a stock journal class for transfer of goods (Use Class for Inter-Godown Transfers is enabled), and in which the godown has the selected project tagged.

Other Transfers

The value of the stock items recorded in a stock journal without using any voucher class but in which the godown has the selected project tagged.


Cost of Sales

The value of sales recorded in an item invoice is displayed here.

Job Consumption

The value of stock items recorded in a stock journal using a Consumption Class and in which the godown has the selected project tagged.


Manufacturing Journal

The value of transactions recorded using a manufacturing journal is recorded here.

Inter Project Transfer

The value of the stock items recorded in a stock journal class for transfer of goods (Use Class for Inter-Godown Transfers is enabled), and in which the godown has the selected project tagged.

Other Transfers

The value of the stock items recorded in a stock journal without using any voucher class but in which the godown has the selected project tagged.

Closing Stock

Closing Stock

 The value of Opening Value + Inwards - Consumption - Other Transfers

Drill down from the above report, will display the stock items used for Job/Project

Material Consumption Stock Summary

1.     Press Enter on any field in the Consumption section of the report to drill down to the Material Consumption Summary.

2.     Press Enter from the Material Consumption Summary to view the Material Consumption Stock Summary.

3.     Drill down further to display the Godown Voucher screens.

To view total material consumption of all jobs or projects

1.     Click N: Auto Column.

2.     Select Job/Projects in the field Repeat Using.

3.     Set the option Show Total Column to Yes.

The Material Consumption Summary appears as shown below:

Note: Click N:New Column and select another project for comparison.