Item Cost Tracking in Transactions

Item cost tracking is established from transactions that record or reflect inventory movement. For example, Sales Order. You can track the cost details of a stock item during the purchase or sale of the item, or during the manufacture of the item, and payment of expenses pertaining to the item. Cost tracking can also bee in job orders, receipt note, and delivery note.

Defining item cost details

To track item cost in sales order

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Order Vouchers > F5: Sales Order.

2.     Select the Party's A/c name and specify Buyer's Details in the Party Details screen.

3.     Select the Sales ledger.

4.     Select the Name of Item.

5.     Enter the Date on which the order is due.

6.     Select the Godown.

7.     Enter the Quantity and Rate.

8.     Press Enter. The List of Cost Tracking Numbers appears.

9.     Select New Number in the field List of Cost Tracking Numbers.


10.  Press Enter.

11.  Press Enter to go to the sales order. The Order Voucher Creation screen.     

12.  Press Ctrl+A to save the transaction.   

Viewing Cost Allocation Details

To view the cost allocation details

1.     Open the saved transaction in alteration mode.

2.     Click Name of Item and press Enter. The Stock Item Allocations screen appears as shown below:

The item cost details recorded like the Doc Type (voucher), stock item name, party name, and quantity can be tracked in sales, purchases, manufacturing  journals, and payment vouchers.

Note: Ensure the option Enable Cost Tracking is set to Yes in the stock item master.

Tracking Cost Details in Purchase Voucher

Similarly, cost details can be tracked in the Stock Item Allocations screen of a purchase transaction as shown below:

Note: Ensure the option Enable Cost Tracking is set to Yes in the stock item master.

Tracking Cost Details in a Manufacturing Journal

Cost tracking details are selected as shown below in a Manufacturing Journal:

Note: Ensure the option Enable Cost Tracking is set to Yes in the stock item master.  

Tracking Cost Details in a Payment Transaction

When recording an expense in a Payment transaction, cost tracking details can be selected in the Stock Item Allocations screen as shown below:


Note: Ensure the option Enable Cost Tracking is set to Yes in the expense ledger.