Exporting VAT Form 15 (Punjab)

Form VAT 15 is a quarterly return to be filed by dealers registered under VAT. The Form 15 report provides an overview of the statistics of transactions pertaining to a period. Data has to be exported to the template provided by the department.

To export data to Form 15

1.     Copy the excel template to the Tally.ERP 9 installed folder.

2.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > VAT Form 15.

3.     Press Ctrl+E to view the Export Report screen. In the Export Report screen, press Backspace to provide the relevant details.

4.     Set the option Open Exported File to Yes. The quarter appears based on the period selected in Form 15 report.

5.     Set the option Export Form 23 Customer wise to Yes, if the transaction details have to be exported customer-wise in VAT-23 sheet of the template.

6.     Set the option:

o      Consolidate retail sales to Yes if the retail sales or sales to unregistered dealers have to be consolidated while exporting the data. The consolidated details display only the rate of tax and net value. If this option is set to No, then the option Consolidate retail sales Commodity wise can be set to Yes.

o      Consolidate retail sales Commodity wise to Yes if the retail sales or sales to unregistered dealers have to be consolidated commodity wise while exporting the data. The consolidated details display the trade name, commodity name, rate of tax and net value.

Note: For both the consolidation options provided for retail sales, the consolidation happens based on tax rate.

7.     Set the option Export Form 24 Customer wise to Yes, if the transaction details have to be exported customer-wise in VAT-24 sheet of the template.

8.     Set the option:

o      Consolidate retail purchase to Yes if the retail purchases or purchases from unregistered dealers have to be consolidated while exporting the data. The consolidated details display only the rate of tax and net value. If this option is set to No, then the option Consolidate retail purchase Commodity wise can be set to Yes.

o      Consolidate retail purchase Commodity wise to Yes if the retail purchases or purchases from unregistered dealers have to be consolidated commodity wise while exporting the data. The consolidated details display the trade name, commodity name, rate of tax and net value.

Note: For both the consolidation options provided for retail purchases, the consolidation happens based on tax rate.

9.     Set the option Configure Excel Template to Yes, to view the eVAT Excel Validations screen as shown below:

The eVAT Excel Validations screen appears with the validations for each sheet of VAT-15.xls template as shown below:

o      Add the rows and select the options in the template based on the validations provided in this screen.

o      Press Ctrl+A or Esc to return to Export Report screen.

10.  Enter the remarks in VAT Form 15 Remarks and CST Form I Remarks fields.

11.  Enter the Opening Balance of Exemption/Deferment Amount.

12.  Enter the Exemption Deferment amount availed during return period including refunds received.

13.  Press Ctrl+A to export the data to template. The data gets exported to relevant fields of annexure 18, 19, 23, 24, CST Form 1 and worksheets.  

The description of VAT-15 is given below:

Field Name



Displays the TIN entered in the Company VAT Details screen of Statutory & Taxation features.


Displays the quarterly period based on the Form 15 report period.


Displays the year based on the Form 15 report period.


Displays the Mailing Name entered in the Company Creation screen.


Displays the Address entered in the Company Creation screen.


Displays the State selected in the Company Creation screen.


(a) Gross Sale (including works contract (i.e. Job Work also) turnover and sale of capital goods but excluding consignment sales, stock transfer, sale in transit and sales on High seas) (As per WS 5B-1A)

Displays the assessable value of local and interstate sales recorded with relevant nature of transactions.

(b) (i) Less : Sales Returns (As per VAT 18 and VAT 23)

Displays the value of all credit notes recorded by selecting the Nature of Return as Not Applicable.

(b) (ii) Less : Cancellation of Sales (As per VAT 18 and VAT 23)

Displays the value of all credit notes recorded by selecting the Nature of Return as Cancelled, Cancelled (Previous) and Cancelled (Prior Period).

(b) (iii) Less : Cash / Trade Discount on Sales (As per VAT 18 and VAT 23)

Displays the value of all credit notes recorded by selecting the Nature of Return as Cash Discount and Trade Discount.

(c) Less: Tax element included in sales (As per WS 5B-2)

This field is currently left blank.

(d) Balance net sales (a - b - c)

Displays auto calculated value.

(e) Less: Zero rated sales excluding sales within state against form H (As per VAT-18)

Displays the value of sales recorded with the following nature of transactions:


      Sales High Seas

      Interstate Deemed Export

(f) Less: Sales made against Form H within State (As per VAT 23)

Displays sales recorded with Deemed Export selected as the nature of transaction.

(g) Less: Interstate sale including sales of tax free goods (As per VAT-18)

Displays the value of sales and credit notes recorded with the following nature of transactions:

     Interstate Sales - Works Contract

     Interstate Sales - Against Form C

     Interstate Sales - E1

     Interstate Sales - Zero Rated

     Interstate Sales - Taxable

     Interstate Sales - Tax Free

Also, displays the difference in actual and billed quantity of stock items in sales recorded with the aforementioned nature of transactions.

(h) Less: Tax free sales within state (As per VAT-23)

Displays the value of sales recorded with the nature of transaction Sales - Tax Free.

When common sales ledger is used, if the stock item selected in the transaction is predefined as Tax Free, the value appears here.

(i) Less: Deductions allowable u/r 15(4) / 15(6) in case of works contractors (i.e. job work also) (As per WS 3A)

Displays the amount entered in Deduction Claimed for Tax Calculation screen of sales invoice recorded with Sales - Works Contract and Interstate Sales - Works contract selected as the nature of transaction.

Also displays the amount entered in sales invoice, for additional ledgers predefined with the nature of transaction Labour Charges Collected and Interstate Labour Charges Collected.

(j) Less: Sale of Diesel & Petrol as have suffered VAT in the hands of various Oil Companies in Punjab (As per WS 5B-6(i))

Displays the assessable value of sales recorded with any nature of transaction, by selecting the stock item predefined with the Type of Goods as Petrol/Diesel.

(k) Less: Sales made as an exempted unit (As per VAT 23)

Displays sales recorded with the following nature of transactions:

     Sales Exempt

     Consignment Transfer Outward

     Branch Transfer Outward

When common sales ledger is used, if the stock item selected in the transaction is predefined as Exempt, the value appears here.

(l) Less: Purchase value of the goods purchased from exempted units and sold to other than taxable persons (As per WS 5B-10(i))

Displays the amount entered in the field Purchase value if purchase made from Exempted Unit, in Statutory Details screen of purchase invoice for relevant nature of transactions.

(m) Less: Sales to various Managements exempted in State (Schedule-A) and SEZ units (As per VAT 23)

Displays sales to diplomatic missions and SEZ with Sales Zero Rated selected as the nature of transaction.

(n) Balance Net sales subject to VAT (d - (e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m)

Displays auto calculated value.


(a) Gross Purchases (including capital goods,  stock transfer receipts,  consignment receipts, purchase in transit & job work got done) (As per WS 5B-1(b))

Displays the assessable value of purchases (invoice value - VAT) recorded with all the nature of transactions provided for purchases.

(b) (i) Less: Purchase return (As per VAT 19 and VAT 24)

Displays the value of all debit notes recorded by selecting the Nature of Return as Not Applicable.

(b) (ii) Less: Discounts (As per VAT 19 and 24)

Displays the value of all debit notes recorded by selecting the Nature of Return as Cash Discount and Trade Discount.

(c) Less: Imports from outside Territory of India (As per VAT 19)

Displays the value of purchases recorded with Imports selected as the nature of transaction.

(d) Less: Interstate purchases including Tax free goods (As per VAT 19)

Displays the assessable value of purchase and debit notes recorded with the following nature of transactions:

     Interstate Purchase - Against Form C

     Interstate Purchase - Zero Rated

     Interstate Purchase - E1

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1

     Interstate Purchase - E2

     Interstate Purchase - Taxable

     Interstate Purchase - Works Contract

     Interstate Purchase - Tax Free

Also, displays the difference in actual and billed quantity of stock items in purchases recorded with the aforementioned nature of transactions.

(e) Less: Branch Transfer/Consignment receipts (As per VAT 19)

Displays the assessable value of purchase recorded with Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward and Interstate Branch Transfer Inward selected as the nature of transaction.

(f) Less: Purchases against ‘H’ Form from outside the state (As per VAT 19)

Displays the assessable value of purchases recorded with Interstate Purchase Deemed Export selected as the nature of transaction.

(g) Less:  Purchases against H Form within State (As per VAT 24)

Displays the assessable value of purchases recorded with the nature of transaction Purchase Deemed Export selected as the nature of transaction.

(h) Less: Tax free Purchases (As per VAT 24)

Displays the assessable value of purchases recorded with the nature of transaction Purchase - Tax Free.

When common purchase ledger is used, if the stock item selected in the transaction is predefined as Tax Free, the value appears here.

(i) Less: Purchase liable to tax u/s 19 (1) in the hands of the person filling the return (As per VAT 24)

Displays the assessable value of purchases with Purchases - Schedule H Items (u/s 19(1)) selected as the nature of transaction.

(j) Less: Value of taxable goods purchased from other than taxable and registered person [excluding given in 2(i)](as per VAT 24)

Displays the assessable value of purchases recorded with the nature of transaction Purchase from Unregistered Dealer, by selecting purchase ledger or stock item predefined with, any Schedule other than Schedule H.

(k) Less: Purchases of Diesel & Petrol as have suffered VAT in  the hands of various Oil Companies in Punjab.

[Explanation 8 of Sec. 2 (zg)] (As per WS 5B-6(ii))

Displays the assessable value of purchases recorded with any nature of transaction, by selecting the stock item predefined with the Type of Goods as Petrol/Diesel.

(l) Less: Purchases made from Exempted units (As per VAT 24)

Displays purchases recorded with the following nature of transactions:

     Purchase Exempt

     Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods

When common purchase ledger is used, if the stock item selected in the transaction is predefined as Exempt, the value appears here.

(m) Less: Purchases not eligible for ITC U/S 13(5) (As per VAT 24)

Displays the assessable value of purchases recorded with the purchase ledger predefined with:

      Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods as the Nature of transaction.

      Not Applicable as the Party Entity/Org. Type.

(n) Less Purchases not eligible for ITC U/R 15(6) (As per WS 3A where account not maintained)

This field is currently left blank.

(o) Less: Element of labour paid on job work got done (As per WS 5B-3)

Displays the following details of purchases recorded with the nature of transaction Purchase - Works contract and Interstate Purchase - Works contract:

      Amount of deduction entered in Deduction Claimed for Tax Calculation screen.

      Amount entered for the ledger predefined with nature of transaction Labour Charges Paid.

(p) Less: Retail Purchases(including purchase from Registered person) (As Per VAT-24)

Displays the assessable value of purchases recorded by selecting Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods as the nature of transaction, with Party Entity/Org. Type set to Retail.

(q) Net Purchases eligible for input tax credit. [a- ( b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j+k+l+m+n+o+p) ]

Displays auto calculated value.


(a) Value of Branch Transfers/Consignment Transfers made during the return period (As per VAT 18)

Displays the value of sales recorded with Interstate Branch Transfer Outward and Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward selected as the nature of transaction.

(b) (i) Amount paid to contractor / sub contractors (As per WS 5B-7(ii))

This field is currently left blank.

(b) (ii) Amount of TDS deducted and deposited (As per WS 5B-7(iii))

This field is currently left blank.

(c) Sale of pre owned cars

(c) (i) Below 1000cc (in nos.) (As per WS 5B-8(i))

Displays the quantity entered in sales invoice, for stock item predefined with pre-owned car type of less than 1000 cc.

(c) (ii)Above 1000cc (in nos.) (As per WS 5B-8(ii))

Displays the quantity entered in sales invoice, for stock item predefined with pre-owned car type of above than 1000 cc.

(d) Sales made on High seas basis (As per WS 5B-9)

Displays the assessable value of sales recorded with nature of transaction High Seas Sale.

(e) Sales in transit u/s 3(b) of the CST Act, 1956 (As per VAT 18)

Displays the assessable value of sales recorded with Interstate Sales Exempt - E1 and Interstate Sales - E2 selected as the nature of transaction.

(f) The value of goods purchased on which PIDF is payable under the Pb. Inf. (Dev. & Regulation) Act, 2002 (As per WS 5B-11(i))

This field is currently left blank.

(g) The amount of PIDF payable (As per WS 5B-11(ii))

This field is currently left blank.


(a) VAT on net taxable sales during the return period (As per WS 6A)

Displays auto calculated value.

(b) Add: Purchase Tax on turnover as per Col. 2(i) u/s 19(1) (As per WS 6B)

Displays auto calculated value.

(c) Add purchase tax u/s 20 (As per WS 2B)

This field is currently left blank.

(d) Add: Prior period net adjustment of output tax (As per WS 1F)

This field is currently left blank.

(e) Total Output tax  [(a)+(b)+(c) +(d)]

Displays auto calculated value.


(a) ITC b/f from previous return period (as per Worksheet 5-A)

Displays the:

      Opening balance entered in the VAT and surcharge ledger if Form 15 report is not saved.

      Actual amount of tax credit brought forward (box 6(l)(i) of VAT-15 sheet), if Form 15 report of previous period was saved.

(b) Add: ITC available for utilization (as per WS 6C)

Displays auto calculated value.

(c) Add: ITC, debited earlier, on goods received back after job work u/s 13(3) (As per WS 1D(ii))

This field is currently left blank.

(d) Add: ITC allowable on goods liable to purchase tax as per  Section 19(4) (As per WS 2A)

This field is currently left blank.

(e) Total  input tax credit  available [(a)+(b)+(c)+(d)]

Displays auto calculated value.

(f) Less: Apportionment of ITC for manufacturing tax free goods (As per WS 1A)

This field is currently left blank.

(g) Less: Apportionment of ITC for branch transfer u/s 13(2) (As per WS 1B)

This field is currently left blank.

(h) Less: Reversal of input tax credit on Lubricants etc. u/s 13(4) (As per WS 1C)

This field is currently left blank.

(i) Less:  ITC debited on goods sent for job work u/s 13(3) (As per WS 1D-(i))

This field is currently left blank.

(j) Less: Reversal of ITC on inter state sales of Schedule ‘H’ goods & products manufactured therefrom u/s 19(5)(as per WS 2C)

This field is currently left blank.

(k) Less:  Reversal of ITC on Capital goods as per rule 19 (As per WS 1F)

This field is currently left blank.

(l) Less: Reversal of ITC for lost, destroyed or damaged goods (rule 21) (As per WS 1G)

This field is currently left blank.

(m) Less: Reversal of ITC on account of goods sold at lesser price than the purchase price (As per WS 1H)

This field is currently left blank.

(n) Less: Any other Reversal (As per WS 1I)

This field is currently left blank.

(o) Less: Prior period net adjustment to input tax (As per WS 1E)

This field is currently left blank.

(p) Net input tax credit available for utilization  [(e)-{(f)+(g)+(h)+(i)+(j)+(k)+(l)+(m)+(n)+(o)}]

Displays auto calculated value.


(a) Total Output Tax (As per Col. 4(e))

Displays auto calculated value.

(b) Less: Monthly Tax paid with VAT-16  (As per WS 5B-4(iii))

(b) ((i)  1st Month of the Quarter (As per WS 5B-4(i))

Displays the amount paid towards VAT dues in the first, second and third month of the selected quarter in the respective rows.  

(b) (ii) 2nd Month of the Quarter (As per WS 5B-4(ii))

(b) (iii) 3rd Month of the Quarter (As per WS 5B-4(iii))

(c) Less: ITC Available (c(i) + c(ii))

Displays auto calculated value.

(c) (i) Actual ITC available for utilization(As per Col. 5(p))

Displays auto calculated value.

(c) (ii)Notional ITC (As per WS 4B-e)

Displays auto calculated value.

(d) Less: Advance Tax Paid (As per WS 5B-(12(iv) +13(iv))

Displays the total value of all journal vouchers recorded for advance tax paid and advance tax deducted, in each month of the return period.

(e) Less: TDS against tax Deduction Certificate; deducted & deposited in Govt. Treasury by Contractee (As per WS 3B)

This field is currently left blank.

(f) Difference (a-b-c-d-e)

Displays auto calculated value.

(g) Excess ITC, if any, after adjustment in (f)

Displays auto calculated value.

(g) (i) Actual

(g) (ii) Notional

(h) Less: Balance CST Liability after deducting the CST paid (As per CST-1 Col. 10(i))

This field is currently left blank.

(i) Difference (g-h)

Displays auto calculated value.

(j) Excess ITC  after adjustment under (i):

Displays auto calculated value.

(j) (i) Actual

(j) (ii) Notional

(k) Less: Amount of refund claimed but not deducted from ITC so far (As per WS 5B-5)

Displays the credit value of tax entered in journal voucher to account for VAT refund.

(l) Balance excess ITC, if any, to be carried forward to the next return:

Displays auto calculated value.

(l)(i) Actual

(l)(i) Notional

(m) (i) Net Tax payable under CST

This field is currently left blank.

(m) (ii) Net Tax payable under VAT

Displays auto calculated value.

(m) (iii) Net payable PIDF (As per WS 5B-11(ii))

This field is currently left blank.

Remarks (if any)

Displays the VAT Form 15 Remarks entered in the Export Report screen of Form 15 report