
      On migrating data from lower releases of Tally.ERP 9 to release 5.1.2, the supplier credit note number entered in debit note was not retained, resolved: Now, in the data migrated from lower releases of Tally.ERP 9 to release 5.3.3, the credit note number entered in debit note is retained.

      Retail invoice details were not being exported to e-VAT annexures excel template though the details are displayed in the annexure, resolved: Details of retail invoices recorded using voucher type, which, is created by selecting Form 8B as VAT Invoice Format were not being exported to e-VAT annexures excel template. However, the details were being displayed in the sales annexure.

      The CST amount from an interstate purchases made against C-Form was displayed in VAT Amount Paid column of purchase annexure template, resolved: In purchase annexure, the input CST from an interstate purchase was displayed in VAT Amount Paid field and it was not included in the purchase value amount.

*States covered for enhanced VAT experience