Tally.ERP 9 allows you to split company data on the basis of the financial year.
Splitting company data has the following benefits:
● It reduces the data size.
● It improves the performance of Tally.
● It secures data from the previous financial years in separate folders. You can work independently on the current financial year.
Before splitting the data, the user must ensure that:
● Backup of the data exists.
● All unadjusted forex gains/losses have been fully adjusted by journal entries.
● No purchase/sales bills are due. Check the Profit & Loss A/c and inventory statements (purchase/sales bills pending). You have to account them in the respective party accounts or in the bills pending account.
● The company data is verified to ensure that no errors occur during splitting.
To split the company data
1. Go to Gateway of Tally > F3: Cmp Info. > Split Company Data > Select Company.
2. Select the required company from the List of Companies.
3. Enter the required date in the Split from field.
The Split Company screen appears as shown below:
4. Press Enter to split the company data.
● The Split from date is based on the existing data, and is considered as the beginning of the current financial year.
● Once the company data is split, two separate companies will be created and opened, without any changes to the original data.
● After the split, all the companies act as separate companies. Data can be entered, displayed, and altered in these companies.
● The user can alter the names of the freshly created companies, if required.