Working Paper

The user should document matters which are important in providing evidence that the analysis was carried out in accordance with the basic principles.

Working Papers aid in the planning and performance; supervision and review; and provide evidence of the analysis work performed to support the user’s opinion.  

Tally.ERP 9 provides a facility to generate Working Papers with a click of a button. It extends a facility to dynamically generate report-specific Working Papers with the details such as analysis activity, record data and time, user/article's user name, sampling applied, Working Note etc.

Security Level capability is also enhanced to give access to update, alter, delete Working Note, print /display of Working Paper to article(s)/users.

The Working Paper is divided into five parts:


To view Working Paper at the Vouchers level,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Analysis & Verification >  Working Paper > Vouchers

The Working Paper for Voucher Note will display the information such as Particulars of the Masters, Voucher No, Voucher Date, Date-Time, Status, Notes along with the Name of the user(S)/article(s) who entered the Working Note.

Note: Date and Time of entry of working Note will be displayed only when the option Show Date and Time is set to Yes in F12: Configuration.


To view Working Paper at the Masters Level

Go to Gateway of Tally > Analysis & Verification >  Working Paper > Masters

The Working Paper for Masters Note will display the information such as Name of Master, Type of Masters (Group/Ledger/Stock Item/ Stock Group) scope, Date-Time, Status, Notes along with the Name of the user(s)/article(s) who entered the working note.

For Working Note Status displayed as Future Ref, the Working Note details will be displayed in Working Paper of Current as well as Next Analysis Period.

Note: Date and Time of entry of working Note will be displayed only when the option Show Date and Time is set to Yes in F12 Configuration.


To view Working Paper at the Company level,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Analysis & Verification >  Working Paper > Company

The Working Paper for Company Note will display the details of Notes, Date-Time, along with the Name of the user(s)/article(s) who entered the Working note.

Note: Date and Time of entry of Working Note will be displayed only when the option Show Date and Time is set to Yes in F12: Configuration.

All levels

To view all the working notes in one screen,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Analysis & Verification >  Working Paper > All Levels

This report displays Working Note entered at all the three levels i.e., Company, Masters and Vouchers, in a single page.

For Working Note Status displayed as Future Ref, the Working Note details will be displayed in Working Paper of Current as well as Next Analysis Period


To view report specific Working notes,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Analysis & Verification >  Working Paper > Others > Select the relevant report

Periodic Payments & Receipts

The Working Paper for this report displays the Ledgers marked as Periodic Ledgers, along with the name of the user who has marked the Ledgers as periodic.

Related Party

The Working Paper for this report displays Ledgers of Related Parties, their respective Relation Type, and the name of the user who has marked them as Related Party Ledgers.

Sampling Methods

The Working Paper report displays the Voucher Type, Sampling Method used on them, and the name of the user who has applied the configuration.

Button options in Configured (Company/Masters/Vouchers) Working Paper

D: Delete

Click D: Delete or press Alt+D key to delete the working  note already entered at Company/Masters/ Voucher level (using the Spacebar).

F9: Multi Alteration

Click Alt+F9: Multi Alteration or press Alt+F9 key to alter the note already entered at company/masters/ voucher level (using the spacebar).

For Single Note Alteration, you can select the Note and press Ctrl + Enter to alter the Working Note already entered.

Note: F9: Multi Alteration/Single Note Alteration will allow only to alter the Voucher Note. On alteration application won't update Date & Time/Name of the user altering the note/Status etc.

F9: Inv Reports

Click F9: Inv Reports or press F9 key to navigate to the default Inventory Reports like Godown Summary, Movement Analysis, Stock Summary etc

F10: Acc Reports

Click F10: Acc Reports or press F10 key to navigate to the default Accounting Reports like Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Trial Balance etc

F10: Analysis Reports

Click F10: Analysis Reports or press Alt+F10 keys to navigate to the other Analysis Reports.

F12: Configure

In F12: Configuration, few configuration options will be displayed based on the Working Note Level selected.

Cursor will move to Of Status field, for the Note Types Masters and Vouchers. You can view the Notes of the following status.

Note: All system copied activities like restore, delete, apply sampling etc. will be displayed in Italics.

Security Control

 Working Paper Access Type:

Note: Access Type - Create and Alter will not allow the article(s) to Disable/Enable  Working Paper in F11: Features.