To create a journal voucher
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal.
Click J: Stat Adjustment button
In the Stat Adjustment Details screen, click F12: Configure and enable the option Allow All Adjustment Types to display all the nature of adjustments
Select Type of Duty/Tax as VAT
Select the required adjustment, for example, Reversal of Input Tax, from the List of Nature of Adjustments.
Select the required Additional Details section. Based on the selection made for Nature of Adjustments, this option will disappear on selecting nature of adjustments for which additional details are not required
Allow any one of the following settings if additional details are required for the selected nature of adjustment:
Allow selection of additional nature of adjustments
Set the additional nature of adjustments automatically
Debit the VAT Payable ledger grouped under Current Liabilities and enter the value in the amount field
Credit the common or rate specific input VAT ledger grouped under Duties & Taxes and specify its options as follows:
Select VAT in Type of Duty/Tax
Disable Use for Purchase Tax
Set Percentage of Calculation to zero
Press Enter to save