Item Cost Tracking in Transactions

The Item Cost Tracking can be established from transactions having Inventory Movements or have an intent to create inventory movement in future, for a specific item, such as Sales Order, Purchase Order, Job Orders, Sales, Purchase, Receipt Note, Delivery Note, etc.

Item Cost Tracking in Sales Order

Item Cost Tracking in Purchase Voucher

Item Cost Tracking in Manufacturing Journal

Item Cost Tracking in Payment Voucher

Item Cost Tracking in Sales Order

To track Item Cost in Sales Order,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Order Vouchers > F5: Sales Order

Information of Cost Tracking Number

The List of Cost Tracking Numbers is updated as follows:

On tracking the cost to an Item, the information in the List of Cost Tracking Numbers is displayed as follows:

Name: Displays the New Cost Tracking number created.

Doc Type: Displays the Voucher Type from which the Cost Tracking was created.

Stock Name: Displays the Stock Item Name for which Cost Tracking is generated.

Party Name: Display the Name of the Party to whom the order is raised/received.

Qty: Displays the Quantity of the Stock Item for which Cost Tracking is generated.

Note: The user can track all the transactions involving Purchase, Sales, Expenses, Incomes and other consumption entries to the Cost Tracking Number (CT-01-CPUi5)generated in the Sales Order.

Item Cost Tracking in Purchase Voucher

To track Item Cost to a Purchase Voucher,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase

Item Cost Tracking in Manufacturing Journal

To track Item Cost to a Manufacturing Journal Voucher,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers > F7: Manufacturing Journal

Item Cost Tracking in Payment Voucher

To track Item Cost to a Payment Voucher,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F5: Payment

Note: Similarly track cost allocation in other vouchers such Sales, Receipts etc.