Payment of VAT

To create a VAT Payment voucher,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F5: Payment

  1. Click the VAT Payment button or press Alt + V for VAT Payment Details sub screen to be displayed.

  1. In the Period From field, enter the period for which the payment is made.

  2. Select the Type of Payment as Not Applicable. In case where the payment is being made towards Interest and Penalty, select the Type of Payment as Interest or Penalty as applicable in the payment voucher.

  1. Press Enter to return to the Payment voucher screen.

  2. Select the required bank account ledger in the Account field from the List of Ledger Accounts.

  3. Debit the VAT Payable ledger grouped under Duties & Taxes with Type of Duty/Tax as Others.

  4. Enter the Amount to be credited.

  5. Enter the details in the field Narration, if required.

  1. Press Y or Enter to accept and save.

Note: The transaction details will also be captured in MUSAK–18.