Data Analysis

Data Analysis section facilitates in conducting internal analysis and verification of the company's financial data. Data Analysis will help in identifying exceptional areas and thereby ease the process of verification.

To view the Data Analysis report,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Analysis & Verification > Data Analysis

 The various tools available in Tally.ERP 9 for Data Analysis are:

Button Options in Data Analysis screen

F2: Period

Click F2: Period or press F2 key to change the analysis period selected.

Ctrl+F3: Compare Cmp

Click Ctrl+F3: Compare Cmp or press Ctrl+F3 keys to load the company that contains the data for the year prior to analysis period.

Note: This is required if the user has split the company before the start of the analysis year.

This may also be needed if the user has taken the data backup separately after the analysis for the previous year (year before the analysis year).


Note: For the Company with two years data system check for the vouchers passed on 31st December to determine the analysis year. Previous Year company name will display as Not Applicable in this case.

The Previous Year Company name will appear on the dashboard as shown:

Ctrl+F9: Master Config

Click Ctrl+F9: Master Config or press Ctrl+F9 keys to identify the Related Parties, Periodic Ledgers and apply Sampling methods for analysis.

W: Working Note

Click W: Working Note or press Alt+W keys to specify the working note details at Company or Group or Ledger or Voucher or Stock Item or Stock Group Level. The details provided in working note will be captured in Working Paper along  with the details of User Name, Working Note Date & Time, Status, Note etc.

In Working Note Details screen

Ctrl+W: Wkg Paper

To view the Working Paper during the verification, click Ctrl+W:  Wkg Paper or press Ctrl+W keys. The details displayed in Working Paper will be relevant to the report from where it is triggered.

F9: Inv Reports

Click F9: Inv Reports or press F9 key to navigate to the default Inventory Reports like Godown Summary, Movement Analysis, Stock Summary etc.

F10: Acc Reports

Click F10: Acc Reports or press F10 keys to navigate to the default Accounting Reports like Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Trial Balance etc.

F10: Analysis Reports

Click F10: Analysis Reports or press Alt+F10 keys to navigate to the other Analysis Reports.