Bank Summary

The Bank Summary report will help the user to convert a particular Bank Payment into Bearer Cheque based on the various evidences collected by him during the Audit Process.  Once, a Bank transaction is converted into Bearer Cheque, it will appear under the Cash Payments report for the user to Allow/Disallow during the Audit process. To view the Bank payments made during the selected period,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > 44AB Audit > Amounts inadmissible u/s 40A(3)

The Bank Ledger Payment Vouchers screen displays all the transactions. The user can select the required transactions and mark them as Bearer Cheque to bring them under Cash Payments. To convert a bank transaction to Bearer Cheque,

This voucher will be available in the Cash Payments report with Bearer Cheque as Status. The drill down from Cash Payments screen on this Voucher will display Bearer Cheque as the Nature of Payment in the Ledger Voucher screen.