Auditing of Vouchers

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > Audit & Analysis > Verification of Vouchers

Note: You can also select Multiple transactions using the Spacebar key one by one on each transaction or you can select all transactions using Ctrl+Spacebar keys.

Audit Status:


On Hold: This option can be selected to mark a transaction which needs clarification or further enquiry with in the audit team.


Audited: This option can be selected to mark a transactions as Audit completed.


External Clarification: This option can be selected to request for further clarifications from the client incase the information available in the Voucher or entries is not clear or is incomplete.


Internal Observation: This option can be selected when the Auditor is not sure of the Audit Status and want to decide later or if the transaction is kept aside for seniors help.

Note: The option Copy Audit Details to Audit Working Paper will be displayed in Audit Details screen only when the Audit Working Paper is enabled in F11: Features (Audit Features)

The Ledger Vouchers screen with saved Audit Details will appear as shown: