Audit Programme

Audit Programme is a detailed planning activity that consists of Audit Checklist with the objectives for each area. This Programme helps the auditors/articles in proper execution of Audit work.

To create an Audit Programme in Tally.ERP 9,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > Audit Documentation > Audit Programme

Note: Press Ctrl+Enter for next line or line break.

The second part of the screen displays the areas of Audit which is pre-filled with a checklist by default. This checklist can be modified and items can be added to this checklist by the Auditor if required.

Creating the Audit Checklist

As mentioned earlier, the Audit Checklist is defaulted with pre-defined audit areas and the Auditor can modify the required Audit areas or add new audit areas. The Auditor can also specify the following details for each audit areas:

Note: The Extent of Verification and Verified By/Remarks are usually filled in only after the completion of audit for each Audit Area.

To create the comprehensive Audit Checklist,

Note: To add an Audit Area which is not there in the List of Audit Areas, select User defined Audit Areas from the list. e.g. Physical Stock Verification can be added using this option in the Audit Programme.


The user defined Audit Areas can also be deleted from the list using the option Remove User Defined Audit Areas.

The completed Audit Programme screen prior to actual Audit is displayed below:

The Auditor can enter the details for Actual Period, Extent of Verification, Verification Remarks and Reviewed By/Remarks after the auditing process for each Area or after completing the entire audit.

Button options in Audit Programme

Ctrl+O: Copy Program

Tally.ERP 9 allows to copy the entire Audit Programme from one Company to another Company. To copy Audit Programme,

Note: This option can be used to copy the Areas of Audit and Auditor Details. The Client Details will not be copied.

The Audit Programme can be printed and taken by the auditor(s)/article(s) while conducting the audit for reference.

To print the Audit Programme,