Passport Expiry Report

This report provides all the relevant information about the Passport of an Employee such as Passport number, Country of Issue, Passport Expiry date and other details such as the Employee’s date of joining the organization and the contact information of the employee in the form of Email address.

To view the Passport Expiry report,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports > Expat Reports > Passport Expiry

Individual Employee/Group Employee passport expiry details can be obtained by clicking/selecting Ctrl+F7: Employee Filters on the button bar. On selecting this, a list displays prompting you to select either an employee or their groups.

Button options in Passport Expiry report

F5: Employee Wise

Click on F5: Employee Wise or press F5 to view the Passport Expiry details individually for Employees or toggle to view the report based on the Category.

CTRL+F7: Employee Filter

Click on CTRL+F7: Employee Filter or press CTRL+F7 keys to filter and view the report for the selected Employees.

F12: Configure

Click on F12: Configure button or press F12 key to change the default configuration as shown:

Note: The Configuration screen in Expat Reports i.e. for Passport Expiry, Visa Expiry and Contract Expiry is the same as shown above.

Note: On setting Show All Employees to Yes, Tally displays details of all the employee, including expired and valid passport details.