Categories which fall under Zero Rated Supplies (Part A - Fifth schedule Paragraphs 3,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13 and 14) are:
Paragraph 3: Export Processing Zone
Paragraph 5: Ship stores supplied to international sea and air carriers on international voyage or flight.
Paragraph 6: The supply of goods and taxable services to exporters under conditions prescribed by the Commissioner.
Paragraph 8: Tourism
Paragraph 9: The supply of coffee and tea for export to coffee and tea auction centers.
Paragraph 10: The supply of electrical energy to a domestic household where the consumption does not exceed two hundred kilowatt-hours.
Paragraph 11: The supply of taxable services in respect of goods in transit.
Paragraph 12: The supply of taxable airport services to transit aircraft.
Paragraph 13: Taxable supplies to Aid Agencies for their official use.
Paragraph 14: The supply of taxable goods or services to any person who carries out cotton ginning.
To create a voucher for Sales - Zero Rated (Others),
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales
In Change Voucher Type screen select Not Applicable in Class field.
Enter the Reference in the Ref field if required.
Select the Party’s A/c Name from the List of Ledgers.
Select the Sales Ledger with the VAT/Tax class - Sales - Zero Rated (Others).
Select the VAT/Tax Class as Sales - Zero Rated (Others) from the List of VAT/Tax Class, if it was not specified while creating ledger.
Select the required stock item from the List of Items. Enter the Quantity and Rate. The amount is automatically displayed in the Amount field.
Select the Type of Device, the Device number will be captured automatically. Maximum of 20 characters is allowed for Device No. field.
In Brief Desc for VAT field, enter the brief description of the goods being sold.
Enter the Exemption Certificate No.
Press Y or Enter to accept and save.
Note: The assessable value of sales made using taxable VAT/Tax classification Sales - Zero Rated (Others) is captured in box 3 - ZERO RATED Sales (in Value EXCL. VAT) of Form VAT 3.