The VAT Sales/Purchase Register provides complete details of all the Sales/Purchases made in a particular tax period. It is a register which captures the invoice-wise Sales/Purchases with voucher number, VAT registration number, stock items invoiced, invoice value, assessable value, apportioned additional incomes/expenses, VAT/Tax classifications, VAT and NHIL amount.
To view the VAT Purchase Register,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > VAT Register > Vat Purchase Register
Scroll horizontally to view the remaining columns.
To view the VAT Sales Register,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > VAT Register > Vat Sales Register
Scroll horizontally to view the remaining columns.
Explanation on VAT Purchase and VAT Sales Registers is given below:
Date: The invoice date is captured here
Particulars: The name of the party and the stock items invoiced is captured here.
Vch No.: The voucher number of the Sales/purchase entry is captured here.
TIN No.: The TIN/Sales Tax number defined in the selected party ledger master is captured here.
Quantity: The quantity of stock item invoiced is captured here.
Rate: The rate of the stock item invoiced is captured here.
Value: The value of stock items i.e., Quantity x Rate is captured here. The tax amount and value of additional ledgers is not considered here.
Gross Total: The total invoice value is captured here.
Assessable Value: The assessable value excluding tax is captured here.
Addl. Cost: The value entered as additional incomes/expenses apportioned while invoicing is captured here.
VAT/Tax Class: The VAT/Tax classifications selected while invoicing for each stock item is captured here.
Tax Amount: The VAT amount is captured here.
NHIL: The NHIL amount is captured here.