Rule 16 Register


The Rule 16 Register is provided to track the sales returns of excisable goods and goods sent for further processing (manufacturing), sales etc. The information captured is similar to that of RG 23.

To view the Rule 16 Register:

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Excise Reports > Manufacturer > CENVAT Registers > Rule 16 Register

The description of information captured in each column of Rule 16 Register is given below:

Sl. No: The transactions are serially numbered and displayed here.

Particulars of Invoice / BOE other approved Doc and Date: The voucher number of the Credit Note and the date, or the number and date particulars of any other document that accompanied the goods return will be captured here.

Own Invoice No./Date: The voucher date of original excise sales invoice against which the credit note is recorded is displayed in the first row. If the goods are returned, the details of party who has returned the goods against this invoice will be captured in detailed mode.

Party's Invoice No./Date: The invoice number and date of the Excise Debit Note raised by the party who has returned the goods is captured here. If the goods are returned against the original excise sale invoice, the party invoice number will be the same as Own invoice number. Else, the Debit note Invoice number is captured here.

Description of goods: The name of stock item selected in excise credit note is captured here.

Quantity Rejected: The quantity entered in excise credit note is captured here.

Reason for Rejection: The reason entered in the Reason for Rejection field in Item Allocation screen of Excise Credit note is captured here.

Amount of credit Availed: The input tax entered in excise credit note is captured here.

Inspection report No/date: The number for any inspection report or document and its date entered in the Excise Credit Note will be captured here.

Scrap: The quantity entered in Scrap column in Item Allocation screen of Excise credit note is captured here.

Qty. issued for Re-work or manufacture: This quantity entered in Excise manufacturing journal by selecting the Nature of Process as Reprocessing is captured here.

Work order reference: The reference number entered in excise manufacturing journal is captured here.

Qty. issued for Clearance as Such: Out of the stock item recorded in excise credit note, the quantity entered in excise sales invoice by selecting Removal as Such as the Nature of Removal is captured here.

Clearance Invoice no./Date: The invoice number and date entered for resale of goods in excise sales invoice by selecting Removal as Such as the Nature of Removal is captured here.

Closing Balance: The closing balance of stock which is neither sold as Removal as such nor sent for manufacturing is captured here.