Payment Advice


The Payment Advice option in the Banking menu allows the user to generate the payment advice to be sent to suppliers/other parties along with the cheques/other instruments.

Accessing Payment Advice

To access Payment Advice screen,

The ledger selection screen displaying the List of Ledgers appears as shown:

Note: If All items is selected, the payment advice for all transactions will be displayed

The Payment Advice screen displays the payment list of the selected ledger as shown:

Confirm each payment advice before Print/e-Mail:  If user selects multiple transactions for mailing/printing belonging to different Parties,  then the confirmation screen will be displayed one by one for each party's payment advice. If this option is set to No then Confirmation screen display once.

Note: The option will come when user selects "All Items' and not when individual ledger is selected

Start Fresh page for Print/e-Mail : When this option is set to Yes, if user selects multiple transactions for mailing/printing belonging to same Party, then print/mail  for one transaction will happen per page at a time (without combining all into one page)  

To print the Payment Advice when a single ledger is selected,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Banking > Payment Advice.

The Payment Advice screen is displayed with list of payment vouchers.

To print each transaction or payment advice in separate page,

Printing Payment Advice

To print the payment advice of all the payments,

To print the payment advice for the selected payments:


The Print Report screen appears as shown below:

Button options in the Payment Advice report

F2: Period

Press F2 key or click F2: Period button to change the period.

F4: Ledger

Press F4 key or click F4: Ledger button to select other required Ledger from the list.

P: Mark as Printed

Press P: Mark as Printed or click Ctrl + P to mark the transaction as printed. When data is migrated from a lower release to release 4.8, many of the transactions for which payment advice have already been printed will appear as not printed in release 4.8. This option can be used to mark those transactions as printed.

F12: Configure

To configure the Payment Advice for printing,

The Payment Advice Print Configuration screen appears as shown:

Note: The Payment Advice Printing Configuration screen allows the user to enable/disable Printing Company Logo. The Location of Logo set in F11: Accounting Features will be the pre-filled in this screen which can be altered as per requirement.

The Print Report screen appears.

The print previews of the selected Payment Advices will be displayed as one payment advice per page as shown below:

To edit the content in Payment Advice such as Salutation, Signature, etc. you can refer to Payment Advice Printing Configuration here.