Batch Vouchers & Batch Summary Reports


Batch Vouchers

Batch Vouchers is a list of all vouchers for a particular Stock Item of the same batch for the given period. The report comprises of both inwards and outwards transactions along with Quantity, Rate and Closing Value details for the selected batch.

The Batch Vouchers report will be available when Maintain Batch-wise Details is enabled in F11: Inventory Features (F2).

To enable Batch-wise Details refer Using Batch-wise details.

To view Batch Vouchers report,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Inventory Books

The Batch Vouchers report will be displayed as below:

Note : The Batch Vouchers report will be available when Maintain Batch-wise Details is enabled in F11: Inventory Features (F2).

Alternatively, you can also display Batch Vouchers Report from the Stock Vouchers screen, as explained below :

Go to Gateway of Tally > Stock  Summary

The Batch Vouchers Report will appear as shown below:

To view Profitability and Consumption details, press F7: Show Profit button from the above screen. The report will display quantity and value of the opening stock, inward goods, outward goods, closing stock and the value of consumption (using the cost method).

F12: Configuration in Batch Vouchers Report

Show Narrations also

By default this option will be set to ‘No’. Set ‘Yes’ to view the report with narration for all transactions.

Select vouchers to show

By default All Vouchers will be displayed for the Batches selected. If you like to view only ‘Inwards’ or only ‘Outwards’ entries then the same can be selected from vouchers to show.

The Configuration settings Show Quantities, Show Rates, Show Values, are self explanatory.

Show goods inwards

By default this option will be set to Yes. It will display the all Inward details, like inward quantities, inward rate and inward value.

Show goods outwards

By default this option will be set to Yes. It will display the all Outward details, like outward quantities, outward rate and outward value.

Show Closing Balance

By default this option will be set to Yes. It will display closing quantity, rate and value.

Closing Quantity = Opening quantity + Inward Quantity – Outward Quantity

Closing Rate = Closing Value / Closing Quantity

Closing Value = The Closing Stock Value will be based on the Costing Method adopted for each item.

Show using Alternate Units

By default this option will be set to No. By setting this option to Yes, it will display the Alternate Units information, if stock item is created with the Alternate units

Show Tail Units of Compound Units

By default this option will be set to No. By setting this option to Yes, it will display the Compound Units information, if stock item is created with the Compound units.

Use default valuation for Closing Values?

(else uses ‘outwards’ value – ‘Inward’ values)

By default this option will be set to Yes. By setting this option to No, it will display Closing value = Opening value + Inward Value – Outward Value. Transaction value is only for reporting purpose to compare with default valuation. It will not show it in Profit and Loss account.

Show Gross Value for Outwards

Gross value of Outwards refers to that value which is inclusive of the values of VAT/any other allowed ledger under accounting allocation screen of the stock item. By default this option will be set to ‘No’, when it is set ‘Yes’, it will display the gross value of the outwards.

Show Consumption & Gross Profit for ‘Outwards’?

By default this option will be set to No. Pressing F7: Show Profit in the button bar or enabling this option in F12: Configuration will display gross profit / loss of batch selected.

For detailed explanation on each column click here.

Show Gross Profits on Gross Value

By default this option will be set to ‘No’. When this option is set to Yes, the gross profit will be calculated on the Gross Value which is inclusive of the values of VAT/any other allowed ledger under accounting allocation screen of the stock item.

Sorting Method

This will help the user to sort the report Alphabetical wise increasing / decreasing.

Button Options in Batch Voucher Report

F5: Batch

Navigation to other stock item and batches from the same report is possible.

F6: Batch Summary

Displays the Batch Summary of all the batches for the selected Stock Item. Click here for more details.

F7: Hide Profit

By default, this report displays Batch-wise stock item profitability. Click F7: Hide Profit to hide the same.

Note: This button toggles between Show Profit / Hide Profit.

You can alter the details in the Stock Item Masters, by pressing S: Stock Alter.

Explanation for each column is displayed as below:




All the goods Inward item are captured here.


All the goods Outward item are captured here.


Cost of Goods Sold of respective outward entry. Cost of Goods Sold derived as per valuation method specified in item master.

Gross Profit

Outward Value – Cost of Goods Sold.

Perc %

Gross Profit / Outward Value x 100

Closing Quantity

Outward Quantity – Inward Quantity

Closing Rate

Closing Value / Closing Rate

Closing Value

Stock item closing value. This value is derived as per valuation method specified in item master. If Transaction value is enabled in F12 then Closing value = Opening value + Inward Value – Outward Value. This transaction value is only for reporting purpose to compare with default valuation. It will not show it in Profit and Loss account.

Total Inward

Opening + Total Inward entries

Total Outward

Total Outward entries

Total Consumption

Total Inward Value – Total Closing Value

Total Gross profit

Total consumption – Total Outward Value

Total Closing

Closing value derived as per valuation method specified in item master. If Transaction value is enabled in F12 then Closing value = Opening value + Inward Value – Outward Value.

Batch Summary

Batch Summary is a summary of all the batches of a particular Stock Item for the given period. You can select the required batch and further drill down to view the Batch Monthly Summary and then further to Batch Voucher Report of the selected batch of an item.

The Batch Summary will be available when Maintain Batch-wise Details is enabled in F11: Inventory Features (F2.

To enable Batch-wise Details refer Using Batch-wise details.

To view Batch Summary,

The Batch Vouchers report appears as shown:

The Batch Summary of the selected item appears as shown:

Select the required batch and press Enter to view the Item Batch Monthly Summary as shown:

Drill down further to view the Batch Vouchers Report.

Note: The Batch summary displays the report of the month on which the last transaction entry was passed for the selected item. Press F2:Period to change the period.

F12 Configuration in Batch Summary Report

The Configuration settings Show Quantities, Show Rates, Show Values, are self explanatory.

The Configuration settings Show Opening Balance, Show goods inwards and Show goods outwards are by default set to No. Set Yes to the required options to view them as separate column(s) in the Batch Summary Report.

Show All items (incl. zero balance)?

By default, this option will be set to No, when it is set Yes, it will display the zero balance items also.

Show Consumption & Gross Profit?

By default, this option will be set to No. Pressing F7: Show Profit in the button bar or enabling this option in F12: Configuration will display gross profit / loss of batch selected.

For detailed explanation on each column click here.

Show using Alternate Units?

By default, this option will be set to No. By setting this option to Yes, it will display the Alternate Units information, if stock item is created with the Alternate units.

Show Tail Units of Compound Units?

By default this option will be set to No. By setting this option to Yes, it will display the Compound Units information, if stock item is created with the Compound units.

Show Expired Batches only?

By default, this option is set to No. Set this option to Yes to view only the expired batches.

Show Mfg Date?

By default, this option is set to No. Set this option to Yes to view the Manufacturing date(s) of the batch(es) of a selected stock item.

Show Exp Date?

By default, this option is set to No. Set this option to Yes to view the Expiry date(s) of the batch(es) of a selected stock item.

Show Batch Manufacture Details From, To:

By default, the From and To fields will be blank. You may filter to view the Manufacturing dates of the batches based on the date range mentioned in these fields. E.g. From: 1-4-2009 To: 31-3-2010 will display only those batches which were manufactured during this period.

Show Batch Expiry Details From, To:

By default, the From and To fields will be blank. You may filter to view the Expiry dates of the batches based on the date range mentioned in these fields. E.g. From: 1-4-2010 To: 31-3-2011 will display only those batches which expire during this period.

Show No. of days for expiry?

By default, this option is set to No. Set this option to Yes to view the number of days to expire against each batch for a selected stock item.


The default Batch Summary report:

The configuration settings for the manufacturing and expiry of batches are shown below:

The Batch Summary for the above configuration settings appears as shown:

Scale Factor for Values:

You can select the required scale factor from the list namely, Hundreds, Thousands, Lakhs, etc. to view the report based on the same.

Sorting Method:

This will help the user to sort the report based on the Sorting Methods listed, namely, Alphabetical, Amount-wise, Expiry date, Mfg date, Quantity-wise and Rate-wise all in increasing and decreasing.

Button options in Batch Summary Report

F4: Item

Navigation to other Stock Item to view the Batch Summary of the same.

F7: Show Profit

Displays Batch wise stock item profitability.