Printing a POS Invoice


On accepting the POS Sales Invoice screen, press ALT+P or click on Print button, Tally.ERP 9 prompts you to print. Press ALT+S or click on the Select Printer button and select the printer from the list. Currently, Tally.ERP 9 support STAR TSP 600 Compatible, Epson TM T88iii Compatible and Epson TM U220 Compatible printers.

Press ALT+F or click on the Print Format to select the print mode. You can either select the Neat Mode or Quick /Draft. In Neat Mode format you will be able to preview the POS Invoice where as in Quick/Draft mode you cannot preview the POS Invoice.

1. Printing a POS Invoice in Single Mode Payment

The POS Invoice in preview mode


2. Printing a POS Invoice in Multiple Mode Payment with batch-wise details

The POS Invoice in preview mode


3. Print Configurations in POS Invoice:

Press F12 or click on F12: Configure button and set the required options:

  1. Set Print Item Name in One Line to Yes to print the Item details in a single line. If print format is set to Neat Mode then Tally.ERP 9 will compress the name of the Item and prints in one single line. However, if the print format is set to Quick Draft Mode then Tally.ERP 9 truncates the text and prints in multiple lines.

  2. Set Print Serial No. to Yes to print the serial number.

  3. Set Print Rate Column to Yes to print the rate column.

  4. Print Additional Description(s) for Item Name is set to No by default, set this option to Yes, if you wish to print additional description for each item in the POS bill.

  5. Set Print Batch Details to Yes to print the Manufacturing Date and Expiry Date.

  6. Set Print MRP/Marginal to Yes to print MRP on POS Invoice.

  7. Set Print Card/Cheque No. to Yes to print the Card/Cheque number.

  8. Print whole Card Number is set to No by default, which will print only last 4 digit of card number. Set this option to Yes to print the 16 digit card number on the POS Invoice.

  9. Set Print VAT Analysis of Item to Yes to print the VAT Analysis on POS Invoice.

  10. Set Print Narration to Yes to print the Narration on POS Invoice.

  11. Set Print Default Name & Address of Party to Yes to print the Narration on POS Invoice.

Accept the Print screen to view the POS Invoice in preview mode (Only for Neat Mode format).


The Invoice displays the company name and address, TIN, CST, Bill number, time, date, user name, serial number, description, quantity, rate, amount, Batch number, Expiry date, Manufacturing date, Free Item (if any), discount (if any) Vat analysis, payment mode details, balance to be paid to the customer and the print message.