GCC VAT Changes in POS Invoice Print Format

This page includes the changes in the POS Invoice print format with respect to GCC VAT.


Invoice Snapshot

TDL Changes

TDL Element


Company GSTIN

Collection:CompanyTINTRNNumber in Part: POSCompanyDetails


Buyer TRN

Line: POS BuyerVATGCCTIN in Part: POS PartyName

1. $BasicBuyersSalesTaxNo of Voucher Object

2. $VATTINNumber of party Ledger ($VATTINNumber:Ledger:@@PartyLedgerName)

Logic: If 1 is empty then 2

VAT Analysis

Line: VCH GVAT POsAnlysisDet in Part: VCH GVAT POSAnalysisDetails


Field Name

Methods of collection


Inventory Details/Accounting Details

Assessable Value

GVAT POSRateAssessableValue $VTAGCCInv_AssesableValue

Tax Amount

GVAT POS TaxAmount $VTAGCCInv_TaxAmount