Flagging Strings

In Dictionary Manager, strings can be flagged as Hint Required , Not Translatable , Bad Translation , Conflicts , and Published .

Hint Required

A string is marked as Hint Required , if any clarification is sought from the TDL application developer.

To mark a string as Hint Required

1. Select the string row by clicking on the row number.

2. Go to Tool > Tag as Hint Required . The flag Hint Required is set for the selected string.

3. Go to Tool > Remove Hint Require Tag , to undo the tagging.

Not Translatable

To tag strings that are not translatable

1. Select the string row by clicking on the row number.

2. Go to Tool > Tag as Not Translatable . The flag Not Translatable is set for the selected string.

3. Go to Tool > Remove Not Translatable Tag to undo the tagging.

Bad Translation

If strings have been wrongly/badly translated, they can be marked as Bad Translation .

To tag the string(s) as Bad Translation

1. Select the string row by clicking on the row number.

2. Go to Tool > Tag as Bad Translation .

3. The flag Bad Translation is set for the selected string, as shown below:

4. Go to Tool > Remove Bad Translation Tag to undo the flagging.

Managing Conflicts

When strings are imported from multiple working dictionaries, it is possible that the same string has been translated more than once. Such strings are marked in red, and are referred to as conflict strings.

In Dictionary Manager, conflict strings are flagged as shown below:

To delete conflict strings

Go to Edit > Delete Conflict Row . The row containing the conflict string will be deleted.