This section displays the total number of transactions pertaining to a period which are categorised as Included , Excluded and Uncertain Transactions .
1. Total Number of Transactions : Drill-down on this item to view the Statistics report comprising of voucher types with the corresponding voucher count. Ā The total count of vouchers displayed for the Total Number of Transactions row is categorized as Included , Excluded and Uncertain Transactions with the voucher count against each of the categories.
2. Included Transactions : Displays all vouchers that have the requisite information in their corresponding masters and transactions to comply with the requirements for filing the returns. These vouchers will be a part of TCS forms as applicable.
3. Excluded Transactions : Displays the count of all vouchers which are not a part of returns. As TCS details are not provided in these transactions, there will be no implications on forms and annexures.
4. Uncertain Transactions : Displays the count of all vouchers with insufficient information. These vouchers contain TCS related information and are not included in the count of Included Transactions and Excluded Transactions .
The form report appears as shown below:
The statistics report displays the count of each voucher type used for recording transactions under Total Number of Transactions , Included Transactions , E xcluded Transactions , and U ncertainĀ Transactions .
1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > TCS Reports > Form 27 EQ .
2. Select Total Number of Transactions .
3. Press Enter to view all transactions for the period.
4. Select any voucher type and press Enter to view the Voucher Monthly Register .
5. Select any month and press Enter to view Voucher Register .
6. Select the required voucher.
7. Press Enter to edit the voucher.